Jobs Alumni4Alumni

It’s not easy to find good new colleagues, we all know that.

So why go far afield when top-trained employees are so close by?

As part of Jobs Alumni4Alumni, we support you in your EXCLUSIVE search for your new favorite colleague.

The rules of the game:

This offer applies ONLY to DIT alumni and only to the department in which our alumni work; in the best case scenario, they will be present at the interview and later sit in the same office.

So it’s really about finding the immediate colleague with whom the alumna will be working.

[This is not a platform for the general search for new employees, for this we recommend cooperation with the Career Service]

This position will then be advertised in the newly created, exclusive and highlighted Alumni4Alumni section in the AlumniNet job newsletter. Not a member yet? Hurry up now!

If you have a job Alumni4Alumni: