9 most influencial experiences during studies

A semester abroad, that one professor, new friends, a partner for life…

Studying is so much more than just sitting the courses and passing the exams.

What influence did your studies have on your life today?
How did you become the person you are today?
Why do you do what you do today?

Playfully work out the connection between studying and personal development!

What you need:

  • Printer that can print on both sides
  • Scissors
  • A photo of yourself that is symbolic of your student days (digital)


  1. Open the document below in PowerPoint.
  2. Think about your “9 most influential experiences during studies” and write one of them in each piece of the puzzle.
  3. Jump to the second page of the presentation and upload a photo of yourself that is emblematic of your studies.
  4. Print out the document on both sides and in color.
  5. Cut up the puzzle and put it back together again.

Be aware that the sum of the individual pieces makes up the overall picture
and that your studies have helped you to develop and shape yourself.
shape you.